Focus on the Spaces

 Look At The Spaces:                                         
 The Small Blessings In Life                                                                             
In spiritual life it is most difficult to maintain focus on the positive.
It is not easy, even though the gospel is focused on faith and trust in God.
The ability to perceive is built-in but the definition and meaning of my perceived reality is under my control. The difficulty is that I have grown up in a culture skewed toward
the negative. Competition means someone loses; there are things I can’t do that I wish I could do, etc. 
When we look at the things that we can’t do, the things that hold us back, the things that are wrong in our lives, at our infirmities, we form our prison.
We create our prison bars by what we think other people think.

Look at the spaces.
Looking through the bars is where we see the promises of God. They are for us, and eternal and they contain all that we are. When we look at the bars of our losses we forget the promises. We forget. When we look past the bars through the spaces, we see our possibilities, our hopes not just of the future promises but of our present realities; the wonderful small goodnesses and blessings from God that can be swallowed up by pain and forgotten.

Some of us forget that we belong. Look through the spaces and you will see the words,
You are loved, you are forgiven, and you belong,

Suffering creates the bars.
Suffering does not last forever.
Looking through the bars to the promises of God
Connects us to truth and joy.
And Joy is from God.
John 8:32
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

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